Hi everyone! Welcome to River Road!
My name is Andi Hartley and I am living the life here in Hawke’s Bay, New Zealand. It is an amazing place to live, surrounded by beauty with its beaches, rivers, mountains, orchards and my favourite over 70 vineyards.
I was born in New Zealand, but lived in the UK and USA for 30 years. Just over 3 years ago I came home with my husband and four kids.
Savannah, Georgia
We were living in beautiful Savannah, Georgia, USA, where I was able to develop my love of painting and became a Grumbacher Art Instructor, teaching painting at the Michael’s Craft Store.
Moving to New Zealand
When we left America we sold, gave away and donated to Goodwill (Charity Shop) so much of our home, only bringing 18 boxes of our personal items. On arriving in Hawke’s Bay and finding a place to live, family and friends were so generous and wonderful giving us furniture and household items.
This is where my journey began along the road to recycle, refurnish and recreate a new home for my family. This time around I was determined not to buy new again, but to recycle and reuse, be greener. My hidden passion and talents for recycling and repurposing now come to life.
- Whatever lies ahead
- Whatever is around the corner
Come and join me on my river of life and road I travel…